
Welcome to Zhenjiang Haicheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. official website!
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 We’re a team of about 138 engineers, designers, professional problem solvers, working around the clock to make Haicheng the most trusted manufacturer of couplings for transferring torque and motion for machinery in jiangsu, China.

But enough about us—let’s talk about you. Whether you need coupling products then you come at right place. You can contact us buy sending mail for any enquiry about coupling parts.
Since 2002 we have grown as a company to offer a more complete coupling product line. Contrary to industry trends we have not grown through mergers or acquisitions.
Our growth has been the result of innovative coupling products, flexibility to meet customer needs, maintaining ability to deliver and perform on short notice, and most importantly maintaining our focus as a “Service” company.
Providing our customers with the best quality products and services has always been our first priority. Haicheng group operates under the auspices of a Quality Program Manual which is in conformance to API and ISO 9001 Quality Specifications.

Zhenjiang Haicheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
? Haicheng Group All rights reserved.
???????????? Address: No. 68, High-tech Development Zone, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province   Service Hotline:18913433240
???????????? Company Tel: 0511-85783292   Company Fax:0511-85019680 (automatic reception)

Copyright ? Zhenjiang Haicheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved .